What does the fox say?

Congratulations internet, you have released another insane viral video, this time thanks to Ylvis, a pair of brothers that perform as a comedy duo from Norway.

Not only is the video very strange, especially the first time, it’s also incredibly addicting. I’ve known about it for almost two weeks, and I’ve been listening to it non-stop. Obviously, it’s so captured my attention I felt the need to blog about it.

It’s a really simple song about what noise a fox makes, with people dressed as animals and a club dance party in the middle of the woods with an old man telling a story to a kid on his lap about it sitting dead center.

Its bizarre, it’s up beat, and from the moment I saw it I knew it would blow up similarly to Gangnam Style.

Watch What does the fox say.

And the answer to what the fox says.


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  1. Pingback: What Does The Fox (REALLY) Say? | Daily ReHash·

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